Friday 28 October 2011


Full-sided laugh, shaped a raw-red
Nine-edged prism. We argued existence –
You and your underlined atheism, as if highlighted,
Uncontrived. Which I was fine with.
No, I didn’t mind – search me
On full-screen, your expertise
With computers, with printers
Their numbers and systems – desirably wise.
Whittling wild
My psychiatric glitches, cerebral numbness
Painted poetic pictures
While theoretical lies filed through the receiver.
Forgive me, believe me etc etc...
I dialled your number, exiled
Onto answer – the robotic ring rang
A narcotic evil. Told you I loved you, hoped
You believed me. Midst all this madness
I asked you, if you were wallpapering for twelve hours.
Something ridiculous.
Imagined the shroud of glue glimpsing her grasp
On each finger, the kiss
Lifting chiffon – thinness of skin
To cover holes, blisters under plaster. Plug sockets
Of mine unwired in the corner. Glimmering indecency
Like the naughtiest child. Culling laughter
Over and over
Chuck me off there,’ I said. Well, I practically
Begged, wrapped round your waist like an hour,
The tape-measure edge lapsed at our feet, in disgrace. A view
Stretching forever. White cliffs like Dover, viaduct, street,
Same conduct.
I felt silently sober, it wasn’t your fault. Un-floured,
My unloved, systematically stuck
The synonymous smile spreading like carnation
On peaches. Congealed like blood. The liquid candy-like lozenge
Which signified freedom, summer discussions
Of the end and the future. Irrelevant order.
I wanted to teach you to swim and you teach me to be
Beautiful. I wanted, I watched you
The loop-holed legionary in your mind making
Blotches on paper. I was crying. Riling through the dark
Damask of my perfume
Tears forming spheres which I smashed
Cut to glass, in my mortar.

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